Claim for damages
Claim for damages caused by a crime

Protecting a victim in a criminal proceeding is not an easy task for both the claimant and the free public attorney. When it comes to dignity and honor (and often large material damage), it is better not to rely on self-righteousness, but to apply to the services of experienced lawyers, for whom the protection of victims in criminal cases is one of the main areas of activity. Our law office has a wide experience in the field of jurisprudence. Entrust us with representing your interests in court, saving time and putting all the legal hassle on professionals.

How do criminal defense attorneys help?

Participation in any trial requires high legal literacy, especially the protection of the rights of victims in criminal proceedings. In such cases, the degree of damage caused is great.

The employees of our law office will help you correctly draw up and submit a claim for compensation for harm caused by a crime, as well as organize full legal support both at the stage of trial and during pre-trial proceedings. Qualified and timely assistance of specialists in drawing up a claim for compensation for harm caused by a crime will help you solve the problematic situation as soon as possible and defend your honor and dignity.

If you entrust us with the legal support of your case, then our lawyers will help you win the lawsuit as soon as possible. Our specialists have deep knowledge of the legislation governing compensation for harm caused by a crime, and this is just an addition to their rich work experience.

We rely on a thorough pre-trial lawyer's investigation, which often leads to the signing of a settlement agreement on compensation for damages at the stage of pre-trial proceedings. This significantly reduces both material costs and possible psychological stress.

How our lawyers work on the protection of the victim in criminal proceedings

At the first stage of our cooperation, we draw up a claim for compensation for harm caused by a crime. At the second stage, we look into all the nuances of your case and conduct our own legal investigation. Based on the results obtained, we build a strategy of behavior in the trial (if a peace agreement has not been signed). Guided by it, we have the maximum chance to defend your interests successfully.

Criminal cases