Program "Personal Advocate" The law office of the city of Moscow Shpilevoi-Shatskii & Partners has developed an individual program for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of its principals, which is called "Personal Lawyer".
Features of the program: by concluding an Agreement on legal protection (assistance) with the Law Office, the principal (subscriber) receives a personal Certificate of the established form, which contains information about the legal program, emergency telephone numbers of the law office and supervising lawyer and aldo personal information of the Principal.
Upon presentation by the principal (subscriber) of this document, representatives of law enforcement authorities and special services who have questions and claims against the citizen are obliged to immediately notify the Managing Partner or the lawyer of the law office about the fact of the detention of the principal and the occurrence of claims against him. To issue a personalized plastic card (Certificate) and participate in the program, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate Agreement with the Law Office for legal protection (assistance). Participants of the program and principals of the Law Office are guaranteed certain financial benefits for all further legal services of the Law Office.
Lawyers who specialize in various areas of law are involved in serving clients under the "Personal Lawyer" program. In their work to protect the rights of principals, the lawyers closely cooperate with various government authorities and law enforcement authorities, which helps to find the best ways to solve the complex legal issues of the bureau and its clients quickly.
The "Personal Lawyer" program includes the provision of qualified legal assistance in full in accordance with the concluded Agreement, including: - Visit of a lawyer (in emergency cases) when the principal (subscriber) is detained by law enforcement officers and federal services. Including conducting a search of the home and office of the principal. It is carried out around the clock.
- Provision of primary consultations on legal issues (civil, criminal, administrative, housing, marriage and family relations, etc.) by telephone and electronic means of communication.
- Providing legal advice on personal safety and behavior in potentially dangerous and conflict situations.
- Providing advice on relations with law enforcement authorities, inspection and special services.
- Providing advice on the rules of conduct in emergency situations by telephone and other means of communication.
- In cases of emergency, establishing communication and ensuring full interaction on behalf of the principal (subscriber) with representatives of various government services and departments.
- Preparation and submission of qualified requests to various authorities, institutions and organizations, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Legal Activities and Advocacy in the Russian Federation".
All issues related to the conclusion of the Agreement on the legal protection of the principal (subscriber) under the "Personal Lawyer" program are subject to individual discussion with the Managing Partner of the Law office.