Inheritance Lawyer
The occurrence of inheritance disputes is a very delicate issue. For legally competent resolution of issues without conflict situations with relatives, it is better to seek the advice of an inheritance lawyer.

Disputes of this nature are considered one of the most complex and confusing categories. As a rule, they arise due to disagreements between the heirs or disagreement regarding the content of the will. Applying to a competent specialist will help to avoid unnecessary litigation in court and unnecessary financial costs.

When is it necessary to consult an Inheritance lawyer?

The situation is greatly simplified if there is a will, which is drawn up and certified by a notary. In cases where the document is missing, inheritance is carried out in order of precedence. In these cases the services of an inheritance lawyer are needed. You will greatly simplify the solution of the issue and save time if you contact a specialist in time.

What issues can a specialist help solve?

Inheritance documents must be ready within six months, while registration is carried out strictly according to the law. Any deviation from the requirements leads to the loss of property, to the difficulty of obtaining it, or to the recognition of the will as invalid in court.

The specialist will help determine the order of inheritance, identify and clarify ties between relatives, adjust the indicated shares in the will, dispute the content of the document or draw up an opinion on recognizing the right to inheritance as invalid.

An inheritance lawyer in Moscow from our Law Office will provide the following services:

  • consultation in writing or orally: we will tell you which type of inheritance (by law or by will) is most beneficial for you;
  • assistance in the preparation of documents;
  • support of the process of entry of the heir into the inheritance right;
  • representation in court challenging of a will.
Prices for our services are available for different categories of citizens: we will help you choose the best package that will allow you to achieve positive results. You can also call our office at any convenient time to get a preliminary consultation with an inheritance lawyer and collect a full package of necessary documents in advance. Specialists of the law office Shpilevoy-Shatsky & Partners will make every effort to resolve your inheritance issue promptly.